Sunday 15 February 2015

So far So good

So its all going as planned really. The true test will come in the following months when the modules get completed. Ive just this minute finished whats called a 'TMA' which stands for 'tutor marked assessments'. What this entails of is a variety of questions with a multi choice answer box, which was fairly easy. It was mainly to see if I understood the abbreviations and lingo in the games industry, which most of it is in the back of your welcome pack booklet. There was also a downloadable lesson which taught me how to build a basic game using construct, which they gave me a full persoanl use copy for free. Well, when I say free its probably in with the cost of the course. Anyway, I managed to create a little flying saucer game with animations and sound effects and has really helped better understand how a game is made. I've had to contact tutor support once or twice as part of building a game design document, and have always had an answer from my tutor fairly quickly, and the student forum always has little messages from other people starting out or fairly far on in their lessons. It seems like a busy little place, too much to be a scam really. Anyway, I am really getting a lot out of this, which by no means means i'll stop blogging and keeping up to date with whats going on, who knows whats around the corner, but for the time being, all seems fair in love and war.

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